The school serves children with motor, hearing, and visual disabilities, behavioral problems, autism, and Down syndrome, among others.
There is a total of 12 teachers, including 2 early childhood education teachers who provide in-home education to children under 5 years of age. These children are referred by health clinics, health centers, and the regional hospital.
The school is located in the southern section of the city of Granada in Barrio La Sabaneta. It is accessible by paved road, but is far from the city center, making it out-of-reach for some families with children with disabilities due to the high cost of transportation.
Since 2012, Children’s Wellness Fund has provided financial support for Escuela Especial San Vicente de Paul in the following areas:
- Nutrition –monthly provision of nutritious food to supplement their lunch program.
- Health – monthly provision of medicines as needed.
- Upgrades to school infrastructure – including painting school facility, ceiling repair, bathroom repairs and improvements, recreational equipment repair as needed.
- Physical therapy room – provided exercise equipment, mats, mirror and educational toys to aid motor skills.
- Aid with repairs to school’s minivan as needed.
- Grants for teachers to further their training.